HELENA PEREZ ALBA PAVONY MEDELLIN, COLOMBIA EXPERIENCE Director of the paint shop Helena Pérez-Alba STUDIES Institute of Fine Arts Teacher Workshop Medellín Engraving León Posada. Maestro Luis Fernando Mejía House of Culture, Cooperative telepostal. Iconography, 1987 SECOND PLACE Convent Benedictino.PREMIOS Painting Exhibition. Cooperative telepostal, Medellín COLLECTIONS Covelo, Italy, Washington and Miami, USA, Mexico City, Mexico, Panama. MEDELLIN PUBLICATIONS TEAM WITH ART 145 p. Published by the Mayor of Medellín AGRICULTURAL DIRECTORY Published by the Department of Agriculture where they germinate Antioquia WHEAT IN THE DARK Cony Poetry Book Sanin. P. 98. Published by the Ministry of Education and Culture, Medellín. Exhibition Museum of Hispanic ande Latinoamericando Art, Miami, Consulate of Colombia, Miami. Organization of American States in Madrid, Spain through the Hispanic and Latinoamericando Museum of Art in Barcelona and Frankfurt, and auctions Alemania.Exposiciones Bogotá, Medellín Colombia.Exposiciones and auctions and other regions of Antioquia , Colombia.